The moon was bright giving the long highway ahead of us a grey shadow, the surrounding forest thick and never ending. We had been driving for hours now and I was pretty sure that Henry had gotten us lost.

“Henry are you sure we aren’t  lost” I said looking over at him in the driver seat with both his hands clutching the steering wheel.

“Why Alex are you afraid that we are going to run into a crazy ax murderer on the side of the highway?” Josh mocked me from the back seat.

“Hahaha real funny, but no seriously where is this cabin that you were talking about Henry?” getting a annoyed at Josh’s attempts at trying to scare me. I swear if I had to spend another hour with this boy in this car someone was going to end up dead.

“We should be there in about two more hours guys so just try to be civil.” he sighed sounding tired of mine and Josh’s constant bickering.

I groaned tired of being in a car for so long. We had planned on going out to a cabin that Henry’s parents owned for our spring break, but I would never have agreed if I had known that it would take this long  of a car ride. Deciding that I would try to sleep for the remainder of the time I grabbed my ipod when the car started to make loud coughing noises.

“No no no no no no NO!” Henry yelled as he steered the car to the side of the highway.

“What happened!” I exclaimed looking at Henry with a look of shock.

“I don’t know I’m gonna go check it out.” I followed him as he stepped out of the car the air was chilly causing me to shiver, and instinctively rap my arms around myself. Josh stepped out stretching his legs as Henry popped the trunk open.

I walked around the worn blue Honda, and gazed into the woods I could only see past a few trees before darkness enveloped the forest like a blanket. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a dark sleek shadow move in the tree line I looked in the direction were I saw the movement but saw nothing.

“BOO!!” Josh yelled in my ear, and I let out a ear piercing scream that echoed through the silent night.

“JESUS CHRIST JOSH” I turned around and glared at him.

“Oh god I think you woke up the dead with that scream!” Josh said while bending over and laughing.

“Could you guys stop behaving like children, I think I found they problem. I think I’ll be done in about five minutes.” Henry said from the car.

“Hey I’m going to go take a piss before we leave.” Josh told be as he walked towards the woods.

“If I don’t come back in five minutes leave without me.” he added with a chuckle.

I watched him disappear into the woods until I could no longer see him. I leaned against the car, and waited for him to return with that permanent smirk on his face. When he hadn’t returned after a couple of minutes I began to feel a gnawing in the pit of my stomach as uneasiness slowly started to rise in me.

“Hey I think we’re are good, where did Josh go?” Henry asked as he came to stand by me.

“He went into the woods, but he’s been gone for a while now.” I told him with concern laced in my voice. Then we both froze as we herd low animistic growl came from the shadows of the woods. We heard rustling, and from the trees walking out a creature standing on two legs, every inch of its grotesque body covered with charcoal like fur shining in the dim light of the moon. Its face a cross between a human and a deer, it had long limbs and in one his claws we saw the mangled body of Josh. Henry and I were frozen in place until the creature let out a loud bird like screech which caused Henry to grab me arm and run to the car. I got into the passenger seat as Henry jumped into the drivers eat as the creature made its way towards slowly as if taking its time. The engine roared to life and Henry drove off, and as I looked back one last time I saw the creature looking back at me with its claw still around Josh’s lifeless body.

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